Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To tie the knot or not?

I have been doing some thinking lately about marketing.  I think I may try to join The Knot Florida's team.   Say whaaat?  You have never heard of The Knot?  It is an online "one-stop wedding planning solution."  Perfect for destination brides, as well as, brides needing vendors in their area.  Not to mention they have a really kick butt magazine that comes out once a month that feature REAL weddings.

I spoke with The Knot panhandle's advertising representative earlier today.  She was able to answer a lot of my questions and gave me a few pointers.

But in a nut shell... what does WS Photography joining The Knot mean?

To you:  (+) An opportunity to have your wedding published in an amazing magazine.
              (+) Future brides can look at your wedding in aww and get inspiration for their own wedding.
              (-) An increase of price on packages to cover the fee.

To me:  (+) An opportunity to advertise on a larger scale.
             (+) An opportunity to have my work published in a magazine that I looked at religiously for inspiration for my own wedding. [well, that and Martha Stewart Weddings]
             (-) A large monthly fee.  I would have to sign up for at least 6 months.

I am currently trying to decide if it would be a good idea or not.  I love the idea of being able to advertise on a larger scale.  However, I am afraid that the monthly fee will murder me.  If I were to sign up for it then I wouldn't have it run until December.  Although my work has been published before, it would be ideal if my work could be published in The Knot because that is the demographic I am trying to reach.  So I know eventually I would like to join their team but I just do not know if it is the right time or not.  I think I will have to wait and see how the upcoming wedding consultation goes first.

I sent a message to another photographer that is part of The Knot to get her opinion on working with them.  (i.e. Pros, Cons, Is it worth it in her opnion?)

I also made a discussion on Fbook, you are welcome to become a fan and join it or respond here on the blog: 
What made you choose your wedding photographer
and where did you find out about them? 
What did you love/not love about working with them?

Personally, I found my wedding photographer on google.  I googled my heart out.  I tried looking everywhere from The Knot to that disorganized DJWed site.  I couldn't find one in my price range (which was a pretty decent price range) whose work that I loved.  She was a portrait photographer that was trying to break into weddings so I luckily got her at a steal.  Since then (2 years in December) her prices have almost doubled what I paid for and she won Brides Choice in 2010 from Wedding Wire.  I loved her accent, she was french.  I loved the 400 complimentary 4x6 prints. I loved her style of shooting.  I loved that she paid attention to detail.

Update:  I decided to join The Knot!
So as the title says... should I tie the knot or not?

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